Saturday, 30 December 2017

India’s Perspective: Need of Ethical Hacker’s in India

The word hacker has always been associated with a negative meaning. In actual “hacker’ is someone who can build stuff and solve real-life problems. It’s essential to get highlighted with difference between a hacker and a cracker; a cracker is someone who is adept in security breaking whereas a hacker is someone expert in preventing such incidents.
With the rapid spread out of cyber-crime it has become difficult for companies to protect their critical data and security systems from the external threats coming in from the web. These companies are unaware to cope with this crime or don’t have a cyber-incident response plan ready with them.
Companies and start-up ventures in India are not exposed or rather vulnerable to cyber-attacks or crimes. They must be aware and need strong security measures to safeguard their business with safety plug-ins.
An ethical hacking has becoming a valued skill in India. A vast number of Indian sites are hacked by cyber-criminals every year including few government firms. A survey conduct across various industries has stated that companies perceive or live through cyber crime as a major threat to their business. Almost all companies have been encountered with some sort of cyber-attack.
Cyber security and digital networking are the two fastest-growing domains or sectors where ethical hacking is required. Below are listed some steps highlighting the need of ethical hackers in India:
  • Ethical hackers play the role of third-party unbiased perspective for the security framework of companies by helping them in securing their daily operations and give them a third eye view of their security systems.
  • Ethical hackers are required by financial service providers, airline sector, retail chains and hotels in finding any vulnerability that might exist in network and effective measures to fix them.
  • Ethical hackers work as consultant for various organizations in assisting them by defining their security model with lapses and lope holes in their security pattern or system.
  • The sensitive information like medical records, operation files, power plant controls or security, missile weapon systems etc are all the time at risk. To cope with all this competent ethical hackers are call of an hour to deal with the threats coming in
  • Banking and telecom firms are often persistent to the security lapses leading easy escape routes for many cyber-criminals. Hence the safeguard of the data evokes the need of proactive ethical hackers.
  • The health care providers and firms need confidentiality and security of protected health information being transferred, received, handled or shared by them. Henceforth the ethical hackers are needed to conduct the follow-up procedures ensuring the safety and security of their data.
  • Companies in order to secure themselves from cyber-security vulnerability threats need the ethical hackers by getting fully secured in their professional functioning and smooth assessment operations.
  • The ethical hackers help in real time assessment of risks in protecting the intellectual property rights of the companies as a whole by focusing on the offensive part of the security.
Ethical hackers help the country to be strategically strong in IP protection, for natural defense and huge public sector projects etc.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Cyber Crime Helpline | Indian Cyber Army

The CYBER HELPLINE project (NATIONAL Action on Cyber Crime) is a running from 17th October 2015. It has a National scope and is conceived as a resource to support, in a pragmatic manner, States that are prepared to implement the Helpline on Cybercrime. It was Initiative by Indian Cyber Army, Which was founded as Proprietorship in 2011 and Registered as NGO under Indian Trusts Act 1882 in September 2016.
The CYBER HELPLINE project aims at enabling authorities to engage in national cooperation on cybercrime and primary relief to cyber victims. More generally it aims at developing social harmony, training and cooperation at the national level against cybercrime.
Cybercrime is a criminal activity that involves computer and the Internet. It is an offense which is done with a purpose to affect any person or association or country to damage him financially or mentally.Some of the common cyber crimes are Email Spoofing, Online Transactions Frauds, Data theft, Hacking, Malware, hacking,virus-attack etc.
The Support Team is trained in matters of cyberlaw, digital security, and psychological support. It includes a qualified psychologist, digital security expert and trained lawyer, all of whom provide specialized assistance when needed
The objectives of the Cyber Helpline are to provide the public with a reliable and convenient reporting mechanism to submit information to the Local Police concerning suspected Internet-facilitated criminal activity and to develop effective alliances with law enforcement and industry partners. Information is analyzed and disseminated for investigative and intelligence purposes to law enforcement and for public awareness.
Indian Cyber Army offer varied and unique services. Our services are nominal and we also provide assistance to poor and needy persons. We also train our students with Cyber, Technical and Investigative skills from basic computer knowledge in small batches for a higher teacher to student ratio.
While fighting cybercrime is of the primary responsibility of law enforcement authorities, the role of the private sector should not be underestimated given the highly technical nature of this phenomenon and the necessity to develop a fast and effective response.
Cybercriminals are substantially motivated by profit and in particular financial profit. As for any legitimate business, they conduct cost/benefit analyses. As a result, their activities ignore legal boundaries between criminal law and civil law and therefore fall under the remit of law enforcement agencies as well as other public authorities, mainly those in charge of protecting consumers and personal data.

(Source Link=

Monday, 25 December 2017

Top malware threat of 2017 | Ransomware!!!

INDIAN CYBER ARMY is a Registered Non-Profit Organization & RESOURCE CENTER for Police, Investigation Agencies, Research Centers, Ethical Hackers, Industry Experts, Government Agencies, Academic Leaders & Individuals together to fight against intelligence threats and cyber crimes.

Indian Cyber Army has found some of the reasons why ransomware attack becomes one of the most dangerous cyber attacks as per company’s perspective.

The top malware listed below were responsible for approximately 56% of all new malware infections reported by the MS-ISAC in 2017. This was an increase of almost eight percentage points from March and continues an upward trend since it bottomed out in January to 43%.

Every month the on maps the Top Malware to infection vectors. This is done by using open source observations and reports on each malware type. The MS-ISAC observed a continued increase in spam and malware droppers, while malvertising continued to decline.

The news is full of blockbuster data breaches. Company A is attacked and loses one zillion customer records. Political Party P is hacked and has its emails leaked from the world to see. Small companies hear the news and breathe of sign of relief, “Wow, we’re lucky this happens only to the big guys!”

But these attacks are only part of the story. The rest of the story – and some would say the bigger story – is the growing number of cyberattacks against small businesses. Every day, new ransomware attacks, denial-of-service attacks, phishing attacks and others, threaten the existence of thousands of businesses across the world.


Ransomware continues to harm businesses of all sizes. The number of attacks spiked in 2015 and remains high, fueled in part by the millions of dollars the scams earn for attackers. The trend shows no signs of ending soon.

How Ransomware increasing exponential in last four years:

It is a type of malware that blocks access to a victim’s assets and demands money to restore that access. Mostly all ransomware today is “crypto-ransomware,” which blocks access to a victim’s files through encryption.

Once a victim is infected, the ransomware scans the accessible local and network systems for necessary files, like those related to Microsoft Office, images, and backups. It then encrypts the files and alerts the user to the infection.

The alert includes a ransom demand and a deadline for payment. If victims do not pay in time, the ransomware destroys the decryption key and the victim’s files are rendered useless. If the payment is created in time, victims typically receive a decryption key to unlock their files (though not always)

Attacks Continue to rising
Ransomware has many different strains and they continue to multiply. A few are Locky, CryptoWall, CryptXXX, CTB-Locker, and the list goes on and on.

Though several ransomware strains area unit inactive, more have replaced them to continue creating money for thieves.

Why Ransomware is Spreading
As a way of cyber attack, ransomware has been around for over a decade. Why did it explode in use a few years gone, and what’s keeping it around?

Easy to access
A few years ago, only experts could launch a sophisticated crypto ransomware attack. Nowadays, it is as a service makes it easy for laymen to rent the architecture needed to deploy attacks and collect money. Open source versions of ransomware were also released last year, helping to fuel more growth in the crime.

Fast money
Thieves have discovered something about ransomware: it works. With modest technical skills and relatively small investment, hackers and wannabes can quickly generate thousands of dollars in extorted income. CryptoWall 3.0 alone is estimated to have earned $325 million. The FBI estimates $209 million was paid in all ransomware schemes in just the first three months of 2016.

Attacks with Narrow Targets
The average ransom demanded from victims increased in 2016, and this is driven in part by a trend of launching targeted attacks against vulnerable organizations with the means to pay quickly.

By carefully choosing targets, attackers will increase their probabilities of success and demand higher ransoms. For example, organizations with a high dependence on sensitive data strained IT staff, and deep pockets can be more lucrative targets.

Many healthcare organizations fit this profile, especially hospitals. Their growing reliance on electronic health records, which are critical to patient care, combined with a reputation for poor cybersecurity and large amounts of revenue, make them fat chickens to the wolves of cybercrime. And the wolves are on the hunt.

More Trouble Ahead
It will continue to fester in 2017, and experts say attackers are likely to begin experimenting with new tactics. Below are a few anticipated trends.
New victims targeted
Attacks on hospitals were unrelenting in 2016 and are likely to continue. However, attackers may experience diminishing returns by focusing on these targets too long. Other healthcare organizations, such as small doctor’s offices or insurance providers, may be next. Some have even suggested the targeting of medical devices, such as pacemakers, that can connect to the internet.
New hardware targeted
A change in the platforms targeted may also be on the horizon. Potential targets suggested by experts include mobile devices, point-of-sale systems, and ATMs.

New revenue streams
Attackers may also adapt ransomware to steal data as well as encrypt it. This way, they can double their money – not only by ransoming the data but also by selling it on the black market. More attackers
As ransomware continues to grow and spread, it is likely that this weapon will reach the hands of criminals who have weaker discipline and skills. This could lead to a rise in ransomware attacks that fail to decode files once a payment is formed, and also might diversify the types of victims targeted.

Protect your business
The time to prepare for a ransomware attack is not when multiple workstations in the office are flashing demands for Bitcoin payments. Steps must be taken beforehand to prevent the infection and minimize its impact.

Group policies for Windows
Group Policies are available that can block many variants of ransomware from installing in their favorite directories in Windows. The policies and additional data area unit available within the Ransomware prevention Kit from Third Tier, a Calyptix Partner. Check the resources at the end of this report for a link to Third Tier’s kit.

Backup all files
The number of small businesses that operate without backups is staggering. If such an organization is infected with ransomware, it can be a worst-case-scenario disaster. Recovery may be impossible. So always maintain file backups. Test backups regularly, at least once a month, to ensure they can easily restore lost data.

Limit access to network shares
Many ransomware variants attempt to infect shared network drives. Review all network shares and backup locations. Change their permissions to allow access only by the administrator (and/or the backup service provider). Also, when you need to mount a backup for restore purposes, make sure the permissions are set for read-only.

Install anti-virus
Install a reputable anti-virus on all workstations, such as Avast, Microsoft Security Essentials or Malwarebytes, and use active monitoring.

Always maintain the latest versions of your firewall, antivirus, operating systems, applications, and other systems. Routinely update as new patches become available, and update automatically if possible.

Educate users
User education must be part of any program meant to prevent ransomware. Highlight the warning signs of suspicious emails and suspicious websites. Demonstrate the need for regular patching and policy review. Encourage users to separate personal web use from their professional web use.

To follow these instructions you can protect your website against ransomware. If you need any assistance related to cybersecurity, Indian Cyber Army having best cyber and ethical hacking expert.To talk our cybersecurity experts call our cyber crime helpline +91-9968600000 and visit our website.

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Most Common Cyber Threats and its Solutions!!!

You heard a lot about cybercrime, but what is it?
In s imp le words it can be said that”Cyber Crime is an offense done by the means of computer and, network with a criminal motive to int entionall y harm the reputation of the victim or harassing for money.Cybercrime has become a real threat to national and international security.
It is necessary for you to know about the types of Cyber Threats so that you can be aware of what are its impact and how to save yourself  from cyber crimes.

Types of Cyber Threats:-

Hijacking – Hijacking is a security attack in networks  where attackers take over  the control of communication  between two parties who believe that they are talking to each other  but it is in the control  of the attacker who is directly relays message to the victims.This attack could be to take over the control  of messaging or to modify messages before sending.Hijacking is also done to take over control of computers to st eal the data know as computer hijacking.
How to avoid  Hijacking?
·         Backup data regularly.
·         Use a virtual private network.
·         Encrypt data

Malwares - Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user or in other words it can be said acting against the requirements of the computer users. Malware includes ransomware ,computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and spyware. Malware is used against government or individuals to steal the important informations or to distract their operations in general.Various virus and worms have been designed to take control of user’s computers for illicit purposes.ransomware attack is biggest example of Malwares.It is a malicious software that blocks the system and make them inaccessible.
How to avoid  Malwares?
To avoid malware is to use  update antivirus protection taken from trusted companies.

E-Mail scam – Email scams are knowns as Email fraud.It is done to defraud people for personal  gain by spoofing emails,phishing for data etc.Email Frauds are happened to those people who wanna become rich in easy schemes,these mails take them in confidence with there attractive offers which are known as bogus offers.But people are attracted  have lost their  money in such bogus offers through mails.Email spoofing is done by sending mails by faking the real sender or can be said pretending be someone else .Some mails are done phishing for data like some spoofing mails come on the name of banks requiring bank details and victim fill the details  and result is the loss of money.
How to avoid  E-Mail scam?
Filter spam and  avoid any links with the mail.Avoid rich making offers sent on messages  and mails as they are mostly scams.Treat email attachment with caution.
Phishing –Phishing is a cyber crime done by spoofing emails,text messages,websites etc  to tempt individual giving personal identifiable informations,bank details , credit card details or passwords.Getting access to such information could lead to identity theft and financial loss.
How to avoid  Phishing?
If there is a link in an email, check  the URL first. Secure websites with a valid Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate begin with “https”. Always contact the company before filling any card or bank details.
Botnets - A botnet is a cyber crime which include PCs, servers, mobile devices that are connected to internet which is infected and controlled by a common type of malware.These infected devices are controlled by cyber criminals to performs there malicious functions and the victims remains unaware about its device is controlled by someone else.Botnet is generally  done for email fraud, generate malicious traffic  for distributed denial-of-service attacks.
How to avoid  Botnets?
Botnet  infections usually spread by malicious softwares. Once a bot has been detected on a computer it should be removed as quickly as possible using security software with botnet removal functionality.
Social Engineering – Social engineering is a method to psychologically manipulate the person and taking him in confidence so that he could give his confidential information.This is done to fraud or to gather informations or to have system control by installing malicious softwares.
How to avoid Social Engineering ?
If a mail or message  comes  on the name of any company first research  on the name of company,check mail address or company website and contact on there number.Don’t  give any information asking for  personal informations.
Spywares- Spywares  are the softwares installed in users computers without knowing and used as tracking softwares or to gather information about individual or organization criminals send such information to victim device that’s asserts the control over the device in the hands of attackers.

How to avoid spyware ?
Be careful  whatever software you download from internet  is from trusted license company and beware of the clickable advertisements.Watchout for anti spyware spams you install  because it could become more worse.

If still you become a victim of cybercrime,you don’t need to worry as Indian Cyber Army is fully committed to working with the Government, Policy Makers & Individuals to ensure a Positive Impact on Reducing Cyber Crimes & Attacks.Indian Cyber Army is working with a motto to make cyber crime free india.

INDIAN CYBER ARMY is an registered non profit organization and resource center for National Police Agencies, Ethical Hacking, Intelligence Agencies, Research Centers, Industry Experts, Government Agencies, Academic Leaders along with Individuals to deal against cyber threats.

Indian Cyber Army has solved thousands of cyber crime cases .For this Indian Cyber army has started its helpline services so that anyone who got  affected by cyber crime can contact us on our cyber crime helpline number +919968600000,so that we could assist them and solve their issues  as. The Indian Cyber Army is a legion group that handles all complex and sensitive cases of cyber crime including those in which victims are women and children.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

7 Cyber Security Tips By Indian Cyber Army

Indian Cyber Army was established to strengthen the weakest point of any network: No matter how effective or expensive the security tools which protecting your network are?  There’s no way to predict the damage caused by a single careless user.

We’ve compiled a list of things your users should be thinking about whenever they’re using the Internet. They’ve probably heard many or all of these tips before, but repetition doesn’t spoil the prayer.

If you take security seriously, you’re already using Umbrella OpenDNS to protect your network from malware, botnets, and other advanced threats. And if you’re smart, you know that there’s no substitute for educating your users. Share this list with others,

Read our Top seven Cyber Security Tips below,
Create strong password: Make your password at least 12 characters long, in including a number, symbol capital letter and avoid patterns like “123456” or  “qwerty”. Practice good password management. Use a strong mix of characters, and don’t use the same password for multiple sites. Don’t share your password with others, don’t write it down, and definitely don’t write it on a post-it note attached to your monitor.
  • Practice password hygiene: Do not share your password ….with anyone! Change it on a regular 90-days basis and, where possible, avoid using the same security question across multiple sites.
              FACT: more than 1 billion passwords are already stored in a Russian database.
  • Keep your inbox safe: Enable email scanning by your antivirus, don't trust attachments, disable automatic previewing, and never responds to an email request to email request for personal or company account information. Always be careful when clicking on attachments or links in the email. If it is unexpected or suspicious for any reason, don’t open on it. Double check the URL of the website the link takes you to bad actors will often take advantage of spelling mistakes to direct you to a harmful domain. Think you can spot a phony website?
               FACT: 91% of advanced cyber-attack begin with email.
  • Don't share important info: Double-click the “send to “ field before sending emails to the wrong person, and if you are a repeat offender- or know of one in the business- deactivate autofill in Microsoft in Microsoft outlook: File-options-Mail-Send message.
              FACT: 78% of those survey admitted accidentally sending an email to wrong   
  • Keep the Securing top of Mind: Develop a simple plan for employees to follow if there is a potential security risk identifier. It’s everyone’s responsibilities to share potential mistakes openly within the company. By doing so, you will shorten the time between a breach and a fix. More importantly, you can proactively plan for problems.
               FACT: Organisations without security awareness programs report security incident
                            Costs to be 4* higher than their peers.
  • Keep Your Device Secure: Apply Encryption of Pcs and USB devices and encourage employees to keep devices with them. Keep patches current by enabling “Auto Update” across Microsoft Windows-based devices and common 3rd party add-ons such as Acrobat, Java, and Flash- as these are malware infection vectors.Never leave your devices unattended. If you need to leave your computer, phone, or tablet for any length of time—no matter how short—lock it up so no one can use it while you’re gone. If you keep sensitive to personal information on a flash drive or external hard drive, make sure to lock it up as well.

                    FACT: According to a recent survey, half of the respondents indicated that data
                                On Employee or contractor personal computers and removable storage is
                                Most at risk(47%)
How we Protect you from Cyber Crime:-
INDIAN CYBER ARMY is an Association of Ethical Hackers & RESOURCE CENTER for National Police Agencies, Intelligence Agencies, Research Centers, Industry Experts, Government Agencies, Academic Leaders along with Individuals to meet the long-term security challenges in the digital arena of the modern world, by bridging the gap between the latest changes and innovations in the cyberspace.

We are always available to Protect you against the Cybercrime and Internet Crime Most of the people don't know that what they can do when Cybercrime and Internet crime happened to them. You do not need to roaming somewhere you just Call our Indian cyber Army helpline number +91-99686 00000 and talk to our experts they solve your problem very soon.

Top five Tips for Cyber Awareness | Indian Cyber Army

October is celebrated across the nation as the National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) which is a yearly preparing effort has been...